As far as the “polite applause” goes, I don’t do that, ever, no matter the circumstance.
I also, when pledging allegiance, do not recite the line “One Nation under god” because I don’t believe that we should be a Nation under any god and firmly believe that the combination of church and state (under the guise of separation of church and state) is one of this nation’s fundamental flaws.
A country practicing separation of church and state does not have “in god we trust” on it’s currency.
No wonder so many feel that it is appropriate to run on platforms of religion and incite their followers with religious rhetoric, which in turn breeds hatred for things not accepted by their particular religion.
Until we remove god from all aspects of anything associated with our government, we will never be free from the zealots that threaten our freedoms.
In order to be a truly free country and one that can hold the title of democracy, we must remove any god from the equation.
Ok, that’s my rant for the day, back to flu bed.